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Ich arbeite seit November 2009 bei Ocilion IPTV Technologies und beschäftige mich dort mit allerhand neumodernen TV-Zeugs was du hoffentlich in ein paar Jahren dann auch bei dir im Wohnzimmer oder Arbeitszimmer findest.

Veröffentlichte wissenschaftliche Publikationen:
  • T. Hofer, G. Kappel, B. Pröll, W. Retschitzegger, W. Schwinger. Modeling ubiquitous web applications - A comparison of approaches. In: W. Winiwarter, St. Bressan, I.K. Ibrahim (editor/editors). Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Information Integration and Web-Based Applications and Services (iiWAS 2001), 163-174, 2001.
  • T. Hofer, G. Leonhartsberger, M. Pichler. Bringing together people: Social benefit of mobile ad hoc applications. In: Proc. 2002 Conf. on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2002), on CD, 2002.
  • W. Schwinger, G. Kappel , W. Retschitzegger, E. Kimmerstorfer, B. Pröll, T. Hofer. Customising Web Applications Towards Ubiquity - The Notation and the Issues. In: Workshop on devlivery Context, Extended Position Paper, INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France, March 2002.
  • T. Hofer, G. Leonhartsberger, M. Pichler. Considerations and requirements for tools supporting mobile teams. In: Proc. 22nd Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, 389-390, IEEE Computer Society. 2002.
  • T. Hofer, G. Kappel, E. Kimmerstorfer, B. Pröll, W. Retschitzegger, W. Schwinger. Towards a generic customisation model for ubiquitous web applications. In: D. Schwabe, O. Pastor, L. Olsina, G. Rossi (editor/editors). Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Web-Oriented Technology (IWWOST2002) in conjunction with ECOOP 2002, 79-104, West Project. 2002.
  • C. Feichtner, A. Finkelstein, T. Hofer, G. Kappel, E. Kimmerstorfer, B. Pröll, W. Retschitzegger, A. Savigni, W. Schwinger. Ubiquitous web application development - A framework for understanding. In: N. Callaos, L. Hernandez-Encinas, F. Yetim (editor/editors). Proc. 6th World MultiConf. on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2002), 431-438, Int. Institute of Informatics and Systems. 2002.
  • J. Altmann, T. Hofer, G. Leonhartsberger, M. Pichler, W. Retschitzegger, W. Schwinger. Context-awareness on mobile devices - The hydrogen approach. In: Proc. 36th Annual Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences 2003 (HICSS-36), IEEE Computer Society. 2003.
  • W. Hargassner, T. Hofer, C. Klammer, J. Pichler, G. Reisinger. A Script-Based Testbed for Mobile Software Frameworks In: Proc. ICST 2008, First International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, Lillehammer, Norway. 2008.

Veröffentlichte technische Dokumente/Reports:
  • T. Hofer, Modelling Customisable Web Applications with WUML, Diplomarbeit am Department of Information Systems, Universität Linz, 2001.
  • T. Hofer, G. Leonhartsberger, M. Pichler. Ubiquitous business: Current trends and building blocks. Technical Report, SCCH-TR-0161, SCCH, 2001.
  • T. Hofer, G. Leonhartsberger, M. Pichler. Natural interfaces: The key to a ubiquitous information access. Technical Report, SCCH-TR-0162, SCCH, 2001.
  • T. Hofer, G. Leonhartsberger, M. Pichler. Hydrogen.Context - A framework to support context-awareness on mobile devices. Technical Report, SCCH-TR-0212, SCCH, 2002.
  • T. Hofer, G. Leonhartsberger, M. Pichler. The trends towards the ubiquitous information access era and its building blocks. Technical Report, SCCH-TR-0264, SCCH, 2002.
  • W. Hargassner, T. Hofer, G. Leonhartsberger. Xenon: Software plug and play with UPnP and OSGi. Technical Report, SCCH-TR-0525, SCCH, 2005.

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Vergangenes - Arbeit


Name: Maximilian Gstöttenmayr

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Name: Mia Gstöttenmayr

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